The Culture Scan offers you a snapshot of your organizational culture, through giving insight into the worldviews dominant within your group.

  • The Culture Scan is a tool for analyzing the cultural fit between the worldview(s) in your organization and the existing organizational model.
  • It’s also a powerful instrument for initiating processes of collective reflection and learning, cultural renewal, and systemic change.
  • The report offers suggestions for initiating a learning process with your group, using powerful methods for reflection, interaction, and transformation, so you can easily create a meaningful and fun event. 

Why the Culture Scan Report?

Organizatons are under great pressure these days. Burn-outs are rampant and many employees don’t experience a sense of meaning and fulfilment in the work they do. While the rat race pushes us to work harder, we’re generally not more productive. Organizations operate in an environment that is volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous, demanding them to be highly adaptable, collaborative, and innovative.

Increasingly, the way we manage organizations appears out of date, yet making change is not easy nor straightforward! In his book Reinventing Organizations, Frederic Laloux showed that organizational models are grounded in, and expressions of, worldviews. Because worldviews are foundational to how people organize and collaborate, an exploration of worldviews is a powerful entry point for organizational renewal.

“It turns out that, throughout history, the types of organizations we have invented were tied to the prevailing worldview and consciousness. Every time that we, as a species, have changed the way we think about the world, we have come up with more powerful types of organizations.”                          

Supports analytic understanding

The Culture Scan allows you to discover the major worldviews in your group, whether it’s a team of 35 or an institution of 30.000. You’ll receive a report presenting your group results, including (anonymous) data on demographics, the distribution of worldviews, and the responses to each question of the Worldview Test.

This report aids your analytic insight by suggesting questions to reflect on, and by connecting the worldviews to different organizational models. This supports understanding the cultural fit (or lack thereof) between the dominant worldview(s) in your organization, and the current (or aspired) organizational model.

This may be especially useful when you’re aiming for organizational change.

The report may tell you, for example, that employees have predominantly postmodern worldviews. However, if your organization is run according to the modernist model, there is a misfit ~ meaning that your employees may be easier to motivate with a more value-driven culture and an atmosphere of empowerment, than with the ‘predict and control’ decision-making style and competitive culture of the modernist model.

Supports collective learning and change

The process of taking the Worldview Test is also fun and insightful, as it invites people to reflect on the beliefs and values that shape their interactions with the world. It also helps them realize that other people may come from fundamentally different mindsets ~ an important understanding for constructive collaboration in our culturally diverse world. As studies show, including different perspectives is also a recipe for innovation.

The process also offers opportunities for having meaningful conversations. Through interactive exercises people get the chance to reflect and share with one another in ways that are both uncommon and powerful, supporting them to connect and find common ground. This sets the stage for addressing core issues instead of being concerned with surface events, renewing purpose, and creating possibilities for systemic changes.

The report offers detailed suggestions for initiating a learning process or change trajectory in which you explore the results with your group, and use them to stimulate learning, empower the group culture, and develop initiatives that support your organization in its performance. Next to the suggestions in the report, you’ll find additional supportive materials on the platform, including PDF’s, powerpoints, and short video’s.

How does it work?

After starting the Culture Scan, you’ll be given a unique link which you’ll send to anyone you want to participate. You can either do this at an (online or on site) event or meeting, asking people to take the test on the spot, or you email or text-message your group, so people can take the test in their own time.

People take the Worldview Test anonymously, and receive their individual results right away. You’ll be able to view the whole group’s results online once at least 10 people have submitted their responses. Additionally, you can download a PDF copy of the report for safekeeping at any time. This report offers you an overview of your groups’ results, what they mean, and how you can work with them.

The Worldview Test is based on academic research and the worldviews used in this model have also been suggested by works in sociology, philosophy, and psychology.