Research Tools allows you to use the Worldview Test with your own study group, by connecting a unique ID to each research participant.
- It also supports you to easily invite your study group to take the Test, while requesting them for ‘informed consent’. It delivers your data in CSV format.
- Because the data generated by the Worldview Test are anonymous, each research participant needs to be connected with a unique ID. This will allow you to combine different data sources for a more comprehensive analysis.
- You’ll invite your research participants to take the Test by sending them a unique test link, which contains their personal research ID. (You can use a (free) email-service to automate this invitation process for you.)
- Your participants are asked to consent with sharing their responses with you for research purposes.
- Once your participants have taken the Test, you can download the data in CSV format, allowing you to combine them with other data sources, and analyse them with statistical software.
The Worldview Test and academic research
The Worldview Test came out of real academic research. Astonishingly, the Worldview Test is the firs of its kind. And though there are countless instruments that measure aspects of worldviews within the social sciences, a comprehensive measure like the Worldview Test has so far been lacking.
So what’s different compared to other measures? The Worldview Test connects views on very diverse topics ~ from science to nature, from God to the universe, from death to the good life, from suffering to society ~ and this way aims to approach people’s generalized and overarching frameworks of meaning and meaning-making.
Additionally, rather than coming up with our own category of worldviews, the Worldview Test builds forth on the knowledge already there. That is, the main worldviews used in the test were modeled after worldviews suggested by works in sociology and philosophy.
This is probably why researchers from different disciplines have been emailing us to discuss its application in other fields, ranging from psychology and health, to education and learning, from environmental management and sustainability, to business and innovation. Also, the concept of worldview is both broad and fundamental, thus lending itself well to application in other fields.