We’re currently in the process of developing several educational Journeys. These are highly dynamic, interactive, and transformative learning processes that can be used to engage (university) students on different levels, in different (inter)disciplinary contexts, and with different durations and degrees of intensity.
These educational journeys build on extensive research into worldviews; insights emerging from fields like developmental psychology and adult development; ideas from systems thinking, sustainability science, and complexity science; as well as evidence-based practices like mindfulness, connected communication, and journaling.
Rather than a purely academic exercise, these are potentially life-changing journeys. They engage with fundamental life questions, explore the sources of our answers, and put them in a larger context. They train essential ’21st century skills’ like articulating and exploring one’s perspective, sound sense-making, and creative collaboration.
In collaboration with Utrecht University
We ‘re developing these journeys in direct collaboration with an outstanding team at Utrecht University. Utrecht University is interested in this project, as they observe an urgent need with their (sustainability) education:
“Currently, our (sustainability) education has … little emphasis on students’ ability to take different perspectives, critically reflect on their own perspective, and understand the central role of perspectives in our understanding and ‘framing’ of (sustainability) issues and their solutions generally. Moreover, our (sustainability) education is predominantly focussed on providing students with information, rather than on facilitating transformation.”
Testing and availability
We’ll be testing these educational journeys within different courses, contexts, and disciplines. The first one will become available online in 2021. Stay tuned for updates or subscribe to our newsletter!